Warning: The following contains language of textuality, ridicule, satire, farce, and surrealism. Viewer discretion is advised.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Church of the Latecomers

Dear Father D,

I can feel your rage at the Mass today. You have every right to be disgusted by those who arrived late. You said the church was half-empty 10 minutes before the Mass, and people keep arriving and walking in even 20 minutes after it starts. I can definitely feel you as I walked in just now.

You spent 15 minutes during Mass to vent your fume. You treated the whole congregation as if everyone has come late. You made stupid assumptions that everyone who did come late are late by intention. You discounted the possibility of unfortunate events or accidents. Perhaps I was stuck in a traffic incident and had to help others or had to wait for it to clear. Perhaps my kid was sick and I took him to the doctor's. Perhaps I was on a support call and had to fulfill my duty. Perhaps I prayed too long in the morning and missed the bus.

There are countless possibilities but you see them as excuses. You treated all of us like criminals without giving the benefit of the doubt. You accused us of crimes some of us never committed. Does that ring a bell? We are not Jesus. We are only here for His second coming.

You complained that some of us always drove in the wrong direction in the parking lot, or exited through the no-exit entrance. But you took it out on all of us. By the way, I didn't drive today. You complained that some of us come late and leave early. Why don't you say so when they left just now?

Father, I just want to remind you that we come to church to worship the Almighty. Okay, some of us are disrespectful being late or leaving too soon, and some of us are bad boys in the drive way. But could you not speak to them in private? Could you not shut the door when the Mass commences and divert latecomers to another room for a special Service? Could you not give traffic tickets or warnings to those mischievous drivers on the spot? Could you not pray for their sins and ask the Almighty for forgiveness? Could you not improve your EQ?

There are other things you can do but you took it on everyone including the innocent majority who had to listen to all these despite they came early today. Should they vent it out on you after Mass? You made the Mass an unpleasant one today, and the only thing we take away is your outrage.

I am sure you will receive similar letters today, as we will only complain directly and privately. I hope you would acknowledge, apologize, and amend. I'll certainly pray for you and ask Almighty for his forgiveness of your sin today.

It's not so bad and I'm sure he will let you go this time.



P.S. I'll be joining others to attend Father F's Mass starting next week.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Perfectionist A-hole and the Corner-cutting Bastard

Perfectionist and Corner-cutter -- the two types of office personalities, are both popular to some and hated by others. I came across both and here they are referred as A-hole and B-tard to protect their real identities.

A-hole goes by the recipe. He sticks to every step, every ingredient, every ounce. He polishes everything. He gives the final touch - the blessing. He knows what he likes and he wants to make it perfect even if Boss will never notice it. He leaves no room for error, no room for rumor. He only does it because it's the right thing to do. He values relationship as much as the task itself as the task will finish but relationship will last. He may miss the deadline. But it's not important to him, it's worth the wait for a perfect finish.

B-tard, on the other hand, gets the job done on time and budget. It may get messy sometimes, but that's not the point. He makes a few enemies along the way, but it ain't no matter. He builds castles in the air. He gives pain to his people, but he pleases Boss. He promises a 100 but he delivers 50. Yet he delivers. He polishes, and makes it look like a 110. He doesn't have to be around all the time, but he is there when Boss is around. He completes by cutting corners in every possible way.

Boss likes the ability of A-hole to draw people, to set good examples, to let people know that there's integrity and humanity after all. A-hole will fight to save his people. He fights for principles and justice. Boss likes the agility and drive of B-tard to get things done no matter what comes the way. B-tard is a fighter and he loves to fight. He fights for goals. And he works in masquerade.

A-hole's strength is B-tard's weakness, and vice versa.

Neither A-hole nor B-tard can save the world alone. Boss needs a third personality to balance the two. Someone who can speed up A-hole and deflect B-tard's mess. Someone who fights with strategies and tactics. Someone who fights for Boss's interests. Someone who gets the job done by uniting A-hole and B-tard. Someone who does wonders. She makes a trinity in Boss's dream League. And she's a C-... oh well...

Saturday, July 26, 2008


At a lunch, I asked my team: "What would be the very last thing you do, if you know exactly when you will die?".

It's not a simple question. It's not a trick question either. It's like the Almighty has given you a revelation and one last wish. It's all up to you how to play it out. The last moment in life is exactly when He told you, and you've all the time to prepare for it -- to ensure your loved ones are taken care of, to arrange your departure, estate, funeral and everything else. It's all scheduled to the very last minute. And you can do one last thing for yourself. Just for yourself.

Some says: "I would wash up, dress up, close my eyes, lie down, and wait for the moment". When asked why lie down? He explains that he didn't want to fall when he dies... I guess it doesn't really matter, does it?

Some would do crazy things that he had been dreading all his life... so may as well leave it at the final moment... sky diving, cliff jumping/climbing, waterfall rafting, highway crossing, speedy cop chase, robbing a bank, and fighting at Afghanistan are just some examples.

As crazy as he is, dude suggests to invite his friends and relatives to his funeral, make a big speech himself, shake hands while people go round the coffin, and close the casket himself just before signing off. Could also do this at the cemetary, right at the very lying spot, followed by the burial service. It's the last thing dude wants to organize for himself to complete his chaotic life.

How would you write your finalize() method?

Friday, July 25, 2008


Was it a curse or a pure coincidence? The theme of our 'last' offsite meeting was 'Leading Change', and days after we are faced with a change that no one had seen it coming. To some, it's beyond belief, and it's almost unreal.

I'm a believer of change, and I believe every change comes opportunity. Well, I'm not sure now. I am trying to convince myself it's a good one, and I know I'll be over it some time later, and I will look back and see this a small thing to sweat about.

Regardless of what's being changed, the emotional roller-coaster ride one has to endure, from the moment of uncertainty to the moment of truth, is overwhelming. It's almost to the point of near death experience... okay, I've exaggerated a bit. But I think even before the change is taking place, the emotional turbulance is a memorable learning experience by itself. It's a great feeling, and a good oppportunity to train up one's EQ and confidence. Despite the occasional fright, I quite enjoy this feeling coz I know I'll only be stronger when it's all over. At which time, it will be back to business-as-usual -- the same feeling you get the moment you get off the roller-coaster. Will you then wish it hadn't ended so quickly, or will you then go for another ride?

Change is a fact of life as I've said it. Some like it, most dread it. But only the ones who enjoy it will take advantage of it, grow with it, and stay ahead of the rest of the crowd. I treasure every one that I come across.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No Jeans? Are you kidding me?

Every time a senior executive visits, we are reminded to dress better, clear desk, etc... and no Jeans was mentioned this time.. Are you kidding me?

If jeans are only not allowed when senior executives are around, then why are they allowed at all? Is there something unprofessional about wearing jeans that we should not let our senior executives know about? Are we hiding something from our executives and has to hide this from him when he is here? If they think it's not good for senior executives to know that we wear jeans everyday, then may be we should just ban jeans at all times. And let's show our professional look every day.

Why paint a pretty picture for our executives? IMHO, they want to know what we do everyday, not what we do when they are here.

Do senior executives concern about the desk, and how we dress? Is that something they are obliged to observe when they visit a department? Is it a reflection on HR or the staff in the department if the desks are not tidy and people dress like bums? I am interested to know what's going on in the executives' mind as they visit a department.

My 2.2 cents, I think we should dress as professionally, tidy up our desks every day whether anyone will be observing or not. And at the same time, we should not assume that our executives would mind seeing us wearing jeans, if that's what you would wear everyday anyway.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Stay tuned
For the one is to come again
Don't be frightened
For the one is not with pain

Sickness is gone
Care and professionalism admired
Test confirmed no one
But soon will come the desired

Family swim
Promises keep
Late night film
Work will never sleep

Summer is here, let's all go have fun
Hail to readers, family, friends, and the one