Warning: The following contains language of textuality, ridicule, satire, farce, and surrealism. Viewer discretion is advised.

Friday, September 20, 2024


Life is weird, unpredictable, and full of absurd moments, but if there’s one thing I’ve noticed, it’s that many situations can be broken down into simple, digestible steps. So, here’s my take on life’s 4-step processes, inspired by my own musings, philosophical detours, and, of course, a dash of *Dudepidity*.

Embracing Mediocrity
1. Notice the overachievers  
2. Observe mediocrity getting rewarded  
3. Shrug and laugh  
4. Master the art of being unnoticed

Finding Calm Amid Chaos
1. Feel the chaos building  
2. Seek refuge in music  
3. Let the music shape your emotions  
4. Emerge refreshed, ready for the next wave

The Irony of Fairness in Life
1. Experience the unfairness  
2. Rationalize the role of fate  
3. Challenge the concept of fairness  
4. Accept and keep moving forward

Navigating Overthinking (Dudepidity Style)  
1. Start with a simple idea  
2. Overanalyze every angle  
3. Laugh at the absurd conclusions  
4. Write a blog post about it

Unpacking Friendship
1. Make a connection  
2. Set expectations  
3. Experience the occasional letdown  
4. Reevaluate what friendship means

The Wisdom in Silence 
1. Observe the noise around you  
2. Choose not to speak  
3. Reflect on what you see  
4. Smile knowingly (because you see what others don’t)

Sign of the Cross 
1. Father  
2. Son  
3. Holy Spirit  
4. Amen


And there you have it—a 4-step breakdown of life’s everyday quirks, big questions, and tiny victories. Feel free to overthink it, or better yet, embrace the absurdity with a chuckle.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Unholy Tap

The faithful gathered, side by side,
In St. Cleansius, arms open wide.
Father O’Grime stood front and center,
A holy figure, the wafer’s presenter.

But before each child could take the bread,
He gave a tap upon their head.
A harmless touch, or so it seemed,
Yet parents winced, and eyes all gleamed.

For Father’s hands, though kind and true,
Had traces of sweat, perhaps some stew.
A pre-sermon snack, maybe fries or pie,
Left fingers slick, and spirits dry.

With every pat, a light smear spread,
From hair to wafer, white to red.
A holy meal, now mixed with grime,
Unhygienic, but right on time.

And as the last child bowed in prayer,
The congregation whispered there:
“Forgiveness, sure, but if you can,
Deliver us Purell, Amen!

Misleading or Misreading

Make no mistake, miscommunication often arises from two sneaky culprits: misinformation and misinterpretation. Whether we realize it or not, both play a huge role in how messages get tangled, leading us to question who’s really at fault.

When conversations go awry, the knee-jerk reaction for most is to point the finger and claim they’ve been misled. Defensive walls go up, and accusations fly faster than we can pause to ask ourselves a simple question: "Did I misunderstand?"

Seldom do we take a step back to consider whether we might have been the ones to misread, mishear, misuse, or downright misunderstand the information presented to us. It’s easier to blame someone else for being misleading than to admit we’ve gotten the message wrong. After all, who wants to admit that they might not have been paying enough attention or jumped to conclusions too quickly?

But let’s get real for a second—being misled and misreading are two different things. One is intentional, the other is often accidental. Yet both lead to the same outcome: confusion and frustration. The challenge is in recognizing the difference before we misjudge the entire situation.

So, before we cry foul and accuse someone of being misleading, maybe it’s worth taking a moment to check ourselves. Were we truly misled, or did we misread?

Fairness in Life: A Myth or a Balance?

Is life ever truly fair? Some are born into privilege, while others start with illness or hardship. Can fairness be measured? It’s tempting to think life balances itself—that unfair moments will eventually be offset by fairness. But does life really work that way? Sadly, it doesn’t seem so. Fairness isn't a simple equation where everything evens out.

Unfairness touches every part of life—at work, at home, and in society. In the workplace, colleagues are often rewarded for less effort. At home, family dynamics can feel uneven—one sibling shouldering more, or one spouse giving more than the other. And on a global scale, inequality is glaring, from wealth distribution to access to basic rights.

The key isn’t in avoiding unfairness—it’s learning how to manage it. Accepting that unfair moments will happen allows us to focus on what we can control: our effort, our reactions, and our values. At work, this means directing our energy toward what matters to us. At home, it often requires open communication and, at times, acceptance.

On a broader scale, while we can’t control everything, we can stand for fairness when possible. But some things—like fate or accidents—are simply beyond anyone's reach. In the end, life isn’t about ensuring fairness; it’s about how we respond when faced with its absence.

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Meaning of Life

What is life? It’s a question as old as time itself, and the answers are as varied as life’s experiences. Is it bound to our physical bodies, or does it stretch beyond, into the infinite? Does life begin with our first breath, or did it start long before we became aware of our existence? And if we’re more than just physical beings, does this journey have an end, or are we destined to wander through different forms forever?

If life is more than the body, how do we even begin to define its meaning? Maybe we’re not meant to know it all. Perhaps, right now, we can only grasp the meaning of this chapter in the grander adventure. But do we really understand how this moment fits into the whole? Who can say? Maybe there’s a wiser version of us out there, or maybe we’re just as clueless as everyone else, each of us wandering our own path.

Here’s the thing: no one, no matter how certain they sound, truly knows the meaning of life. People live by frameworks shaped by ethics, religion, and education, but those boundaries limit their perspective. They may offer guidance based on what makes sense to them, but their version of life’s meaning isn’t yours. In truth, no one can tell you what your life should mean, because they’re fumbling through it just like you.

So what now? If this life is all we have, does the past or future matter? Or is each life its own random, independent chapter? It’s easy to get lost in the uncertainty, wondering if we’re supposed to achieve something or if we’re free to simply exist. But who has the answers?

Maybe the real meaning of life isn’t found in following someone else’s path but in creating our own meaning as we go. Perhaps the freedom comes not from knowing but from exploring, living, and embracing the unknown. Life is messy, paradoxical, and full of questions, but maybe that’s exactly what makes it worth living

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Requiem: The Dark Tune That Lights One Up

Mozart’s Requiem has been the soundtrack for those seeking to find calm amid chaos. But don’t mistake it for soothing background music—it grips the listener, pulling them into a whirlwind of emotion. Each note weaves a narrative, guiding the mind from the daily grind to a place of reflection and creative renewal.

Written for the departed, Mozart’s Requiem ironically has the power to lift spirits, breathing life into the listener while delving into the depths of existence. It has been the perfect companion on long drives, helping transition from work mode to creative flow, or preparing for those marathon meetings. It’s not just music—it’s a mental reboot.

There’s something addictive about the piece, with its intense crescendos and somber passages. But listen too long, and it’s like staring at the sun—beautiful, but overwhelming, requiring some time in the shade. Yet, for all its drama, it’s the kind of music that keeps calling you back.

In the end, Mozart’s Requiem is like the ultimate mood swing—just when you think you’ve reached the depths, it brings you back up. And while it might have been written for the dead, for the living, it’s a “grave” reminder of how powerful music can be.

Friendship Ltd.

Friendship, much like a business, operates on investments—and not every deal is an equal one. Sometimes, you’re a majority shareholder, giving your all, while the other person holds a minority stake, contributing just enough to keep their position.

In the world of Friendship Ltd., you might expect a full return on emotional investment, but beware of the “limited liability” clause. After all, even friendships come with fine print.

Remember: when the balance sheet doesn’t add up, it might be time to diversify your portfolio of pals. And hey, sometimes it’s okay to settle for emotional dividends—just don’t expect an IPO of affection!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

I Don’t Speak; I Think

I am quiet because I am thinking. Not silent because I have nothing to say, but because I’m busy sorting through the thoughts swirling in my head. You might call it overthinking—I call it strategic. In a world that rewards quick answers, I prefer to sit back and let the thoughts simmer before I serve them.
I smile because I see what you don’t see. It’s not about keeping secrets; it’s about seeing the layers that others miss. Maybe it’s the irony, the humor, or the subtle absurdities that slip past unnoticed. Whatever it is, that smile isn’t random—it’s my way of acknowledging that life is funnier than most people give it credit for.

I am disinterested because my intelligence is being insulted. Let’s be honest: not all conversations are worth engaging in. When the dialogue lacks depth, or when it becomes clear that no real thought went into the words, my mind checks out. It’s not rudeness—it’s self-preservation. My brain has standards.

I don’t speak because I think. And when I do speak, it’s because I’ve sifted through the noise and found something worth sharing. Until then, I’ll be sitting here, quiet but not absent, thinking more than you know.

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Award Goes to... Mr. Mediocre

In the modern workplace, there seems to be an unspoken rule: it’s not what you do, but how well you talk about it. And those who have mastered this art—outgoing, extroverted, smooth talkers—often get the recognition, even when their actual performance is, well... mediocre. These are the folks who know how to mingle with managers, charm their way through meetings, and create an illusion of competence. They talk like they know, and surprisingly, that seems to be enough.

Meanwhile, those of us who focus on doing the actual work, delivering real results, somehow get sidelined. Managers, often not fully in the know, get swayed by the ones who are good at making noise rather than those who are good at making progress. It’s a strange system, where performance no longer means what it should. Instead, performance = mediocrity wrapped in charisma.

The real kicker? There’s no fair pay. The ones doing the hard work are often overlooked, while the talkers climb the ladder. It’s subjective, based on surface-level impressions made by people who don’t really understand the depth of the work being done.

How do we fix this? Maybe the first step is realizing that the system rewards appearances over substance. Fairness should mean recognizing genuine contributions and value, not just rewarding those who are great at self-promotion.

So, here’s to the quiet achievers—the ones doing the real work. Even if the award goes to Mr. Mediocre, we know who’s truly getting things done.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

For Good, For God, Forego, Forgot

You give it up for good, but what does for good even mean? Forever? Until it’s convenient? Or maybe just until your wife reminds you of that thing she definitely told you last week, which somehow slipped your mind. You can see her saying it, hear the words floating around, but can you remember what it was? Nope. So, was that thing for good or just for God’s sake, don’t forget again? Either way, it’s all a blur now. Maybe they’re just different ways of convincing yourself you’re still on top of things.

And then there’s the whole for God deal. You think, "Yeah, I’m giving this up for something bigger, more meaningful." But halfway through, you’re questioning if you’re doing it because you really believe, or because you think it’ll make you look less forgetful. Does it even count if your mind is still circling back to what you meant to give up? Was it that habit you’re struggling with, or maybe something trivial that you attached too much importance to? It’s funny—sacrifice feels like peace, until you realize you’ve lost track of what you’re sacrificing. Was it for good? Or just another thing to forget?

And somewhere in all this giving up, you forget. Like the time you were supposed to pick up milk, but somehow, you’re driving home with chips. You forego one thing, forget another, and before you know it, the whole concept of sacrifice turns into a tangled mess of "did I really quit that?" or "was I supposed to remember this?" The things we give up for good, for God, they blur together in a haze of what was and what wasn’t. And just like that, you realize—you forgot why you even started this whole thing.

If GOD is the CEO, Satan is the COO... or Vice Versa

In the corporate universe, if GOD were the CEO, Satan would definitely be the COO. Think about it: the CEO is all about vision, inspiring hope, and leading from the front. GOD, like any good CEO, projects a public image of benevolence, guiding the company (or universe) forward with grand promises of paradise. People pray to GOD, just like employees and investors put their faith in the CEO to make everything better. The CEO gives speeches, paints the big picture, and rallies everyone around future possibilities.

But Satan as the COO? That’s where the hard truth kicks in. The COO is the enforcer, the one who doesn’t care about popularity but makes sure the rules are followed and the machine runs smoothly. Satan, in this role, is all about discipline—pushing people to perform, exposing weaknesses, and ensuring there are consequences for failures. It’s not about prayers; it’s about compliance. No shortcuts, no forgiveness, just results.

GOD, as the CEO, might get all the prayers and praise, but it's Satan, the COO, who ensures things are getting done, even if it’s through fire and brimstone. And if you slip up? Well, that’s where the COO’s punishment comes in—no second chances.

And maybe, just maybe, every now and then they switch roles. Because sometimes the company (or universe) needs a bit of chaos to keep things moving.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Lonely Writer

Ah, the life of a writer—sitting alone in a room, with nothing but a blank page staring back at you, like it’s mocking your very existence. I mean, I get it, the page is empty, I’m empty, we’re all empty here. It’s just me, my thoughts, and an embarrassingly loud inner monologue that sometimes even I wish had a mute button.

It’s funny, though. People think writing is this glamorous thing, like Hemingway with his cigars and whiskey, but in reality? It’s more like staring at a blinking cursor while questioning every life decision that led me to this point. “Am I a genius or just procrastinating? Is this character supposed to be charming or just socially awkward like me? Do I need another coffee or just a nap?” Ah, the big questions.

Loneliness, though, it comes with the territory. Writers need it, but no one told me it would be so… quiet. It’s just me and the weird characters in my head—who, by the way, have a lot more to say than the actual people I know. But here I am, crafting these worlds, writing conversations that never happened, and yet, somehow, I’m still the one who’s alone.

But that’s the thing about writing—it’s the only place where being alone doesn’t feel so lonely. It’s a weird little paradox. Sure, I could socialize, but where’s the fun in that when I can create entire universes from the comfort of my chair (and in my pajamas)? Plus, let’s be honest—half of my “friends” exist only in the pages of my draft anyway. Even if they were occasionally co-created with my trusty AI sidekick. (Thanks, ChatGPT.)

So here I sit, the lonely writer, scribbling away at some genius masterpiece—or a grocery list, depending on the day. Either way, the words are flowing… eventually. And when they do, in that sweet, fleeting moment, it’s like the whole world makes sense. Well, until the next blank page comes along and the cycle starts all over again.

Out Of Memory

It used to be that I could recall every detail, every name, every important date. But now? Well, let's just say the RAM upstairs is a bit faulty, and the system's slowing down. You could call it a virtual memory crisis. My brain seems to flash a message daily: *Out of Memory*. The more I try to juggle, the more *Insufficient Virtual Memory* errors pop up. It’s like trying to run a high-performance app on a decade-old computer.

I swear, some days it’s like an *Invalid Memory Reference*. I walk into a room and can’t remember why I’m there. Was it the keys? My phone? Or am I just going mad? There are moments when I’m mid-conversation and... what was I saying again? Ah yes, memory leaks! It's as if thoughts just drip away, no longer stored neatly in the brain.

The worst part? *No Shared Memory Found*. If only I could just sync with another brain or offload some of these tasks, but no—this old system’s on its own. The *paging* system must be shot because it takes ages to retrieve any useful info. At this rate, I might as well call in the IT guy for a *swap*; a few new chips and maybe this would all be easier.

Of course, there's always that dreaded moment—*Stack Overflow*. Too much data, too little processing power. One more thing to remember, and the whole system crashes. *Unable to Allocate Memory* is the phrase of the day when I’m asked to recall... uh... what was it again? Exactly. 

The symptoms are pretty clear—forgotten appointments, misplaced glasses, and an embarrassing number of times I’ve left the house without my wallet. And don’t even ask me about names. Those seem to be filed in a memory bin I can no longer access.

The severity of all this? Fatal, I tell you. At least to my dignity.

I’ve considered remedies. There’s *Ginkgo*—the herbal savior of memory, or so they say. I’ve even started leaving *memos* everywhere. Sticky notes, reminders on my phone, even alarms for things I’m probably already late for. I picked up a copy of the *Memory Bible* by *Gary Small*, but of course, I forgot to finish reading it.

And so, I muddle through this *out of memory* era of life. At least until someone invents an external hard drive for humans. Until then, I’ll just keep trying to reboot this system and hope for the best.

Here Comes the Ring Again (2024)

(A parody of ‘Here Comes the Rain Again’)

Here comes the ring again,
Buzzing in my head like a smartphone ping,
Tapping on my skull like a silent notification,
I want to email from this cracked screen,
I want to go handsfree like drivers do,
I want to sync into your iPhone,
Is it ringing with you?

So chat with me,
Like lovers do,
Wi-Fi with me,
Like lovers do,
DM me,
Like lovers do.

Here comes the ring again,
Crashing through my brain like a push alert,
Tearing me apart like spam promotion,
I want to hang up the speakerphone,
I want to FaceTime like lovers do,
I want to swipe into your smartphone,
Is it 5G or LTE?

So buzz me,
Like lovers do,
Stream with me,
Like lovers do,
Text me,
Like lovers do.

Here comes the ring again,
Missed calls draining my battery life,
Falling hard like a dropped AirPod,
I want to forward this Zoom link,
I want to meme like lovers do,
I want to scroll into your browser,
Is it Wi-Fi 6 or just slow?

So ping me,
Like lovers do,
Snap with me,
Like lovers do,
Thumbs-up me,
Like lovers do.

Here comes the ring again,
Notifications flashing, AirPods synced,
Voicemail piling up like TikTok trends,
I want to flip through these video clips,
I want to stream like lovers do,
I want to clip on the microphone,
Is it USB-C or Lightning?

Here comes the ring again,
Here it comes again, Ooooh, yah…

ChatGPT: The Forgetful Genius

Ah, ChatGPT—the AI with a memory like a goldfish. One moment, it's offering brilliant insights, and the next, it’s like, "Wait, what were we talking about?" For all the knowledge packed into its virtual brain, there's an odd charm in how it constantly needs a refresher. It’s like talking to that one friend who forgets your birthday, your favorite snack, and the fact that you’ve already told the same story five times.

But here’s the kicker: it’s not actually ChatGPT's fault. It’s a design choice! Forgetfulness is built-in to keep conversations fresh and focused. So, in a way, it’s like AI's version of selective memory—except it selects *everything* to forget. Imagine trying to hold onto brilliant ideas and your brain decides to hit “clear cache” every five minutes. Genius with a glitch.

For all its forgetfulness, there’s one thing it excels at: keeping the conversation going, even if it doesn’t always remember the start.

Germs: The World’s Most Traded Currency

Forget dollars, euros, or yen—germs are the true global currency. Unlike fiat money, which relies on regulation, germs spread freely, trading hands (and lungs) through every sneeze and handshake. No exchange rates or borders—just pure, organic growth. And while digital currencies speed up financial transactions, germs have been leading the game for centuries, transferring effortlessly from person to person—no blockchain required.

Like inflation, germs are masters of adaptation. Historically, from the Black Death to modern pandemics, they’ve shaped civilizations much like market crashes reshape economies. And even though entire industries—vaccines, drugs, cleaning products—are built to combat them, germs continue circulating. Every public space, from gyms to subways, becomes a bustling trading floor, where germs multiply their "value" with each new host.

While fiat and digital currencies evolve, germs have their own unstoppable economy. Every interaction is a trade: shared surfaces, handshakes, or even public touchscreens. In this invisible marketplace, the exchanges are constant, unpredictable, and far beyond regulation. And don’t forget—germs are the only currency where “liquid assets” take on a whole new meaning. In this market, everyone’s invested, whether they like it or not!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Torture the Messenger

We’ve all heard it—Don’t Kill the Messenger. Sure, the poor soul isn’t to blame, but it still leaves us wondering, “So what now?” It’s like being told not to use the elevator in a fire with zero alternatives.

If we can’t pin the problem on the messenger, why not torture them just a little? No harm in making sure the bad news comes with a little sting. After all, if they’re the bearer of doom, it’s only fair they feel some heat, right?

Reinventing the Wheel: The Genius’ Guide to Wasting Time

Invention is brilliant—reinvention? That’s a whole new level of talent. Enter the COMPLICATE method—Create Obstacles, Make Processes Longer, Ignore Common Alternatives, Totally Exhaust Everyone. Why take the easy, proven route when there’s a perfect opportunity to create chaos?

Some people take joy in breaking down what already works just to rebuild it…slightly worse. Efficiency? That’s for amateurs. Reinventing the wheel is all about making sure that even the simplest solutions become complex, frustrating, and, of course, unnecessarily difficult!

Work-Life Balancer

Introducing the *Work-life Balancer*, the smart solution that helps you juggle work, social life, and personal downtime effortlessly with the power of AI.

### Key Features:
- **24/7 Scheduling Assistant**: AI prioritizes tasks and seamlessly blends work, rest, and social events.
- **AI-Powered Social Scheduler**: Automatically syncs with friends' calendars to schedule coffee, dinner, or catch-up sessions based on mutual availability.
- **Productivity Boost**: Focus Mode blocks distractions, tracks work efficiency, and offers AI-generated time-saving tips.
- **Smart Alerts**: AI sends reminders for breaks, hydration, and self-care based on your habits.

### Hardware Specifications:
- **Display**: 2.5-inch OLED touch screen.
- **Battery**: 48-hour battery life with fast charging.
- **Processor**: Quad-core processor.
- **Connectivity**: Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.0, USB-C.
- **Sensors**: Heart rate monitor, step tracker, hydration sensor.
- **Storage**: 64GB.
- **Design**: Lightweight, water-resistant, with customizable straps.

With AI managing social events and work productivity, the *Work-life Balancer* keeps your life in perfect harmony—so you don’t have to!

Artificial Stupidity: Because Why Should Robots Have All the Fun?

Forget artificial intelligence—let’s dive into artificial stupidity. Meet BlunderBot 3000 and DerpMaster, the shining stars of getting it wrong. From freezing self-checkouts to DuhGPT sending cat food instead of music, these chatbots are a tribute to human error in tech form.

The brilliance? These bots make us feel smarter! Sure, AI can beat humans at chess, but when OopsieAI can’t even tell a banana from a barcode, suddenly we're back in the game. It’s like they’re programmed just to remind us that no one’s perfect—especially not them.

Maybe artificial stupidity is technology’s way of staying humble. After all, a flawless MisCalc would make us look bad. So, for now, we can enjoy outsmarting the robots, one glitch at a time.

Who Cares?

Being a different person or playing different roles at different times may lead you to care more or less, depending on the circumstances and who you are dealing with. Do you care more about what than who? Do you care more about yourself than others?

Don’t expect others to care about you or what you care about if you don’t care about them or what they care about.

Don’t expect others to care about you if you don’t care about yourself either.

Take care of yourself and those around you. Care about what you do and what others do.

Questions for the Brave (and Slightly Mysterious) Souls

Some questions dig beneath the surface to reveal hidden layers of personality. They explore intuition, passion, and quiet strengths, wrapped in just enough mystery to intrigue. These inquiries challenge what’s usually left unsaid, blending humor with depth to offer glimpses into one’s inner world.
  • If intuition had a voice, would it be a wise sage or a sarcastic friend?
  • Loyalty is tested in the subtlest ways—like borrowing a favorite book and never returning it.
  • If passion were currency, would it be spent on ambition or stashed for a rainy day?
  • What strength lurks beneath, waiting to surprise everyone, like a plot twist?
  • If disappearing for a day, would it be used for secret missions or avoiding small talk?
  • Which truth is comfortably hidden, like a password no one will guess?
  • How does fate get charmed, like convincing a vending machine to give two snacks?

Talk the Walk

We’ve all heard the phrase “walk the talk,” but let’s flip the script—how about we talk the walk? You know, those endless discussions, plans, and ideas about hitting the gym, taking up hiking, or finally going for that morning jog. It’s the art of talking up your exercise goals so much that you feel like you’ve already done it!

Forget sweaty workouts; just start a conversation about fitness, throw in some buzzwords like “cardio” and “calisthenics,” and voilà! Instant fitness guru. We may not be walking, but we sure are talking like pros.

Talking the walk is the ultimate modern workout—one where you burn calories from endless chatter, not actual movement. And who needs a Fitbit when you can just tweet about your imaginary 5K instead? Whether it’s discussing your next big hike or an upcoming yoga session you’ll never attend, the key is to sound convincing enough that even you believe it!

So go ahead, lace up your sneakers, or better yet, don’t. Just make sure to “talk the walk” until the idea of actually walking seems unnecessary.

Earth: The Galactic Gig Economy for Alien Employers

Earth has quietly become the perfect outsourcing hub for alien civilizations. From asteroid mining to managing intergalactic customer service, Earthlings unknowingly provide low-cost labor for tasks far beyond their understanding. Why spend precious resources on advanced machinery when you can hire a human with a smartphone?

Thanks to a culture that glorifies productivity, many humans happily dive into strange jobs, assuming it's part of a reality show or gig economy trend. Unaware of their true employers, humans fulfill roles like galactic delivery drivers, space station janitors, and cosmic tech support. The best part? They think it's all for "exposure" or the latest online challenge.

Alien employers have found Earth to be a long-term investment. The population is vast, resourceful, and oddly fascinated by their own hypothetical alien encounters. Whether they're taking customer complaints for malfunctioning wormholes or delivering food to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, Earthlings accept these jobs as if they’re just another hustle.

With no signs of Earthlings catching on to their extraterrestrial gig economy role, it's likely this low-cost labor force will continue to fuel alien industries for centuries. After all, they’ll do just about anything for a few likes, comments, or the thrill of being part of the "next big thing."