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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Germs: The World’s Most Traded Currency

Forget dollars, euros, or yen—germs are the true global currency. Unlike fiat money, which relies on regulation, germs spread freely, trading hands (and lungs) through every sneeze and handshake. No exchange rates or borders—just pure, organic growth. And while digital currencies speed up financial transactions, germs have been leading the game for centuries, transferring effortlessly from person to person—no blockchain required.

Like inflation, germs are masters of adaptation. Historically, from the Black Death to modern pandemics, they’ve shaped civilizations much like market crashes reshape economies. And even though entire industries—vaccines, drugs, cleaning products—are built to combat them, germs continue circulating. Every public space, from gyms to subways, becomes a bustling trading floor, where germs multiply their "value" with each new host.

While fiat and digital currencies evolve, germs have their own unstoppable economy. Every interaction is a trade: shared surfaces, handshakes, or even public touchscreens. In this invisible marketplace, the exchanges are constant, unpredictable, and far beyond regulation. And don’t forget—germs are the only currency where “liquid assets” take on a whole new meaning. In this market, everyone’s invested, whether they like it or not!

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